Selling Your Home?

We're sad to see you go, but want to help make selling your home easier for you, your realtor, and your potential buyer. Here is a checklist of things to know and do as you prepare to sell your home:

  • Your Realtor will need all the governing documents and Master Insurance Policy to provide to a potential buyer. As the homeowner, YOU have easy access to those documents on the Portal or here on this website. If you need help, just call the office at 913-469-5463.
  • You should be aware of the age of your roof and past work done to your home by the HOA. Guess what, the office has records going back to the 1970s. Just make an appointment to come view/copy this information. 
  • Please provide your Realtor with any assessments/liens on your home. Don't know of any? Call 
    Angela Ganger at Centennial at 913-563-4727 to make sure your dues and assessments are up to date. There is currently a stucco assessment many of the homes here in QF. It is your responsibility to make sure your Realtor and buyer know where you stand with assessments. 
  • Don't know what the HOA covers? Check out this website for policies on maintenance responsibilities. The HOA is responsible for roof repairs, wood rot to trim, sewer pipes outside of foundations on attached homes, common area landscaping, tree care for trees on common areas only, asphalt repairs only, erosion on common areas, upkeep of recreation courts, playground, pools, and clubhouse, street lights, and lolli pop lights, some picket repair of fencing and primary entry railing and treads. This list is slightly different for single family homes. 
  • Check out the AIMS website to see your property lines. This is very important when dealing with dead, diseased trees or fallen limbs and fences. 
  • The dues as of 2022-2023 are $246.28 plus water and wastewater for attached homes. Water is $22.51 and wastewater is $28.11. For single-family homes, there is a fee for front of home lawn care - $27.00. Some homeowners receive an electric utility reimbursement for $2.46 if a street light, security light, or lolli pop light is attached to their home. 
  • All exterior modifications no matter how small are subject to HOA approval.