Land Purchase 2022

In 2021, QF HOA gathered bids to repair a drainage area in the open grassy space behind the unit 12559 W 108th Terrace. This led to the management company learning Quivira Falls did not actually own the land and that we'd been mowing and maintaining it for over 40 years. The management company contacted the owner of the land to request permission to continue maintaining and to restore the swale to the creek that was causing the drainage issues. The owner of the land owns Target Insurance on Oakmont on the other side of the creek. He was not amenable to our requests. He was not going to maintain the grass and refused to let QF mow and treat for weeds. The area would have turned into a wild overgrown area, so QF board members worked with his attorney to come to a mutual agreement to purchase a piece his land for $15,000. The county requires a land survey to parcel off new boundaries, so QF contracted Phelps Engineering Company to provide a survey and plot the new boundaries. The cost for a surveyor is $8000. Once this is complete, the sale will go through and we'll be able to maintain the land and repair the drainage. The piece of land QF will purchase is marked in red in the map below. 
